Gaining more from doing less? The effects of a one-week deload period during supervised resistance training on muscular adaptations

Deloading is a commonly applied strategy, although there’s little empirical evidence analyzing its effects in subsequent training cycles. This study therefore aims to analyze whether including a one-week deload period influences muscle growth, strength, endurance,

Exploring the Dose-Response Relationship Between Estimated Resistance Training Proximity to Failure, Strength Gain, and Muscle Hypertrophy: A Series of Meta-Regressions

One parameter that recently gained interest in strength & hypertrophy training is proximity to failure. It describes when to end a set. This metaanalysis provides a more nuanced understanding of how different proximities to failure

The effects of prioritizing lead or boulder climbing among intermediate climbers

This study aimed to examine if prioritizing bouldering or lead climbing can lead to specific improvements without sacrificing general climbing abilities.

Does varying resistance exercises promote superior muscle hypertrophy and strength gains? A systematic review

There is a vast body of research about the most effective training metrics to maximize hypertrophy and strength gains. This review, however, analyses a different aspect, namely if exercise variation influences hypertrophy and strength gains.


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